Sunday, September 16, 2012

A hero

I actually took this picture about 6:10 AM on Sept. 8th. So that means I took this picture before I posted the last blog on our anniversary on which I posted some pictures I like of KJ. I don't have any significant reason for posting this picture today by the way but it does give me something to type under. I was impressed with a talk I heard a week ago where a young lady (in her 30's) told us that her father had gotten in the habit of sending an email each night to his family and the short focus of the email was to find something he was thankful for that day. She seemed to feel it was a good thing and I was impressed with her and how she felt about it. As I look back to my last post I know that I am thankful for the subject of that post. Today I looked at a short video a friend sent to me that was titled "Angel Flight". It was about a airplane crew that brought back solders who had died. The treated the flight as a scared and their special passenger as a hero. I was impressed that the video demonstrated how special the "hero" was. The message was of how important the hero was and how much care went into his special "angel flight".  It seems like that the most meaningful knowledge that we can gain as we go through life just might be to understand how special others are.

1 comment:

Katie Nelson said...

We know someone who has the job of taking care of making sure the deceased soldiers bodies are taken care of. It's amazing that people can serve in that way.