I just wondered what to blog today. Something inspiring would be useful. I looked up "spiritual" on google. I don't need to look it up by the way I do know what it is but it did rreminds me of my Dr. Visit yesterday. Don't know why I capitalized "Visit"? Maybe it was because it was the one year anniversary of #2 so it needed to be and "event", or maybe it was because it shed some light on this mention of "spiritual". I occasionally get some chest pains. Guess the nitro helps with that I finally learn. Wondering what caused the pain was a subject discussed at the Doctors. It probably is angina I learned. My mom had angina and I remember hearing about it over a lot of years. That is the good news ........."A Lot of Years". Anyway the pill helps. The pain may be brought on by stress. I was asked what was stressing me? I mentioned that the pain was stressing me. Sort of a mystery. Why is the pain caused by worrying about the pain? Sort of a chicken or egg question? The picture I found when I looked on google for the word "spiritual" that reminds me of all this, above, makes more sense by the way. Anyway I mentioned "spiritual" up a few lines. The "Visit" had that word come up. The Doc asked how my spiritual side was working? I did mention that a prayer in the middle of the night had worked even faster than the nitro so yes it was fine. I actually typed this first in small print. I then figured why am I saving space. A blog doesn't take any space really. It is sort of out there but exists nowhere? Course who really knows? Sort of like where did the pain come from? Who really knows? Wondering can be stressful.