"Yin and Yang"............ a symbol that is used to describe, among other things, how contrary forces are connected. Put another way the symbol is a way of expressing that opposites only exist in relation to each other. For the purpose I have used it today the symbol is more of a representation of a whole that has complicated parts that struggle with each other..................The symbol itself is interesting. Maybe the whole is made up of two complimentary halves but I suspect that it takes a lot of work to become complimentary to each side.
I recently heard a talk about the "soul of man". A persons "soul" we were told consists of the body and the spirit. If you look at it this way you would have to conclude that we may have been incomplete before we gained our body. If gaining a body completed the entity then are the two halves opposites, or contrary forces, and how does the struggle impact us?
Since it is the bodies appetites and desires that create so many struggles it seems clear that the spirit is the "better half". Hopefully the day will come when the halves are equal.
This might be a odd post. A rambling group of thoughts about our soul hardly fits into a blog of pictures of daily observations and events. Taking a moment to think about how really hard it is to master the body is one perspective on life. It just never really changes a lot. On the other hand if you look back and look at the memories of life you can see growth rather than just the struggle. You can see how far you have come.
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