I am just about done reading a book about the life of William Faulkner. One reason I have enjoyed the book a lot is that in telling the story of his life it wraps the story around his books. The characters in the books mostly are folks set in a special southern county and they seem to age as they reappear in later books, older but with more to say. The authors life and books come more into focus with the approach of this biography. "Bill" said of himself that if he had not been born he would have been "written". I suspect this indicates that he indeed is a character, perhaps a "character in his own mind" and if you know how to look you will find him in his books. Wonder if we are not all "characters in our own minds"? Someone once said of me that I was a "legend in my own mind". On the one hand that probably clearly shows someone who didn't much care for me when they said it. Bill must have thought he himself was legend like since he implied that his life was such that it would have been written had it not been lived. Perhaps as we look back at our indivdual lives we all find that it might have made for an interesting book.
Reoccurring characters and re use of past thoughts and pictures are what my own blogs are all about, by the way. These pictures today reflect the same scenes seen out walking over the last few years. MJ was the focus of what I wondered, if taken, might capture the balloons way off in the blue behind him. Saturday mornings often are times when balloons rise up on the Western horizon but today there were many of them. Course they didn't show up on the picture taken so I posted an old shot from the past along with a file shot from the past of what was behind me as I posted this. MJ on the other hand shortly after this was taken pulled a camera phone out of his pocket and took a picture of me taking a picture of him. I understood that he may have forwarded that picture to his FB account?
I went back and added to my last post since those characters, as they stood, were not complete without having done so...................................
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