Who is this guy and what did he do this month? ( some folks might call this a roundup as a label to put on all the stuff done)
Well first off the last week is well worth rounding up, but as a whole this roundup will include all of January and through today in February.
Looking back at the week, first.
When gas will be restored: We will keep you informed as soon as we know when
we can begin to restore service.( good news here is our gas did not go off)
Quoting from my favorite blogger, about our weather, she said this: "So let's recap - Tuesday was a "snow day", Wednesday was an "ice day", Thursday was a "too cold to start the buses day", and Friday is a "no natural gas" day. Welcome to the "bizarro world"."
Well then to keep the week interesting Saturday was the day the church was found flooded with water from broken pipes in the ceiling. The fire system broke and a 3 inch water pipe pushed out water at 100 lbs of pressure all night. The building floors, all of them, are gone. The ceilings in the hall are gone. It will be a real project to get this back to being able to use.
I enjoyed a couple of movies. Victoria and Albert, and Social Network.
I have especially enjoyed reading a lot of books this month. I finished "Lengthen Your Stride" about Spencer Kimball. I am well into another one on the first part of President Kimballs life. I re read N. Eldon Tanner his Life and Service, and read An Abundant Life, The Memories of Hugh B. Brown, a biography of James Talmage, a biography of B.H Roberts and my favorite for January was The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley.
Yesterday KJ pulled up this picture of me. She took it from a family group picture and it in some ways becomes one of my more current pictures. When I first looked at it I saw it side by side with one I use more often when a picture is needed. It was taken before this one and it, unlike this one, does not show the face wrinkles and what I see in myself is just a little less zest than what I have had over the years. It wasn't a picture that I would think of first when I might "picture my self in my own "minds eye". Course I suppose no one would envision them self as they really are. Nevertheless this reality is part of my roundup.
Lots of progress this month in finding names of ancestors.
Spent several nice weekends with the boys and KJ.
1 comment:
I've thought about "roundup" and what I would write. It just frightens me that in print it would look just lame...... those that I've read have been fun to read though. Good job on your "first roundup". It was good to see :)
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