Sunday, October 31, 2010

knew it then and know it now....................

I suppose both pictures could have the subtitle, "memory". They both bring memories back. The least important memory in the picture if of the books of course but some thoughts about them have application to my thoughts today. If you were to look at my assortment of books more completely you would find far more that can be seen in this picture. My office today has three solid walls of books. I have read them all and have re read many of them. I remember what is in most of them eventually but it takes some work to bring back the memories in many cases. Often you read of a old man with a lot of books fondly recalling how important the books were in his life but admitting that he hardly can really recall what was in them. Perhaps that is not to be avoided. Hopefully memories lost will come back someday "restored". I believe that they will. Hopefully the people you care about throughout your life will never take any work to bring back real memories of them and more important hopefully those you cared about "knew it then and know it now".

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