Thursday, January 07, 2010


The issue is not what we have done but what we
have become. What we have become is more
than our actions. It is also the result of our
attitudes, our motives, and our desires -Neal Maxwell
It has been several weeks since I had a chance to tell my own "life's story" to a group of friends in a church meeting. The goal of that occasion was to get to know each other. One of the nice things about getting to know people at church is that they often are just friends. They could, but don't necessarily do, relate to you in terms of "what you can do for them" so it could be consider somewhat "safe ground". Even so I have noticed that "men" do not take such opportunities to just be themselves and really associate with each other openly very well. Going to a game together, for example, is not the same as telling someone "who you really are". I suppose if I were to try to offer some real reasons for a life that includes a church would in part get down to just being with some "good people" regularly. Well anyway this day a few weeks ago it was my turn again and I shared some thoughts about myself. I found that more so than in years past I was willing to share some of the things that have not, at the time, seemed like they went all that well or that were "good things?". Sharing some failures, if they indeed were failures and that is probably the point here, is also more interesting that sharing successes.
"The issue is not what we have done but what we have become".
Who we are eventually shows up as our attitudes, motives and desires define us. I suppose whether we like it or not we are refined and polished. "Come what may, and love it". I think we should enjoy recalling our challenges, course they keep coming. Another good piece of wisdom:
"Careful out there"

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