Saturday, November 21, 2009

Could be a better "Tree" year just ahead

Thinking back to Christmas 2008.............. I figured "this Tree to the left" ought to live in infamy. It indeed takes the award for the least impressive tree ever to be in our house. Course I take the responsibility for putting it up. Last years Christmas was one that we could have gotten by without a tree, here at the ranch. Then this year one can only speculate and imagine what "this years Tree to come" will be like. Could it make a blog next year looking back again due to some great significance? Could it be an award winner? Will it take a little more floor space or height? What about all those all time great trees we have had, will it be like those? At this very moment it is in a box in the garage waiting for unveiling.
Course today is just another regular Saturday. Blue skies. Good morning walk through the neighborhood with my returned walker perhaps runner. As we speak, or more accurately, as I write, one guy is to my right, not really, reading about some politics and the other one to my left again not really but out the window on the patio sharpening the shovel. I notice that one of "the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" listed on a little note by some other quotes just to my right, really, suggests that we be
1. Proactive,
2. Begin with the end in mind,
3. Put First Things First,
4. Think Win-Win,
5. Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood,
6. Synergize, 7. "Sharpen the Saw".
So there you go. A little wisdom right in the middle of all these pictures.....................................


Kathy said...

That little 'Charlie Brown' tree has gotten us through a couple of Christmases. And to think I almost gave it away.

Katie Nelson said...

That tree just makes me depressed! So glad you will have a new one this year :)