Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thoughts Between

My first thoughts when looking through a lot of pictures I have on file was to just pick some favorites. Now I am thinking "they are all my favorites" and maybe I can get KJ to make them all into a layout but then I went ahead and started started to pick them. It didn't take long to see that I was picking "black and white" shots. Maybe it is just me today, but you really see things different in black and white. Just the choices of each pictures seemed like it added to and expanded the thoughts. presented.


Maybe in some small way bringing these pictures together would be a little like "finding some new thoughts" and painting them. Each stroke adding to the ones before. Starting as a small boy and moving on to an older man "and thoughts between". So I suppose this is an odd post, for Thanksgiving, but then more thanks is always needed as the journey unfolds............

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

lucky guy

I guess I see myself in "all the pictures" here. The easy one is just getting to eat the food that will result from the last picture, tomorrow, as we celebrate being here together and are Thankful for that. Course we have family that won't be here but we have a nice group that will be. Seems like Thanksgiving is as much about being together as it is about the food. More really. Anyway I just like the other two pictures. See myself in both. On the one hand my favorite person, KJ, kisses me as I get on the train heading out prepared for life. Course that was a long time ago and in fact I didn't know her then but would have liked to. The other has me dancing on the wall with her. Guess both are just products of the imagination. Or maybe they are real enough since I see myself in them.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

home brand is better

Love good piano music. Great music coming from the room next to where I am at. Good day. Sunday thoughts. Good food. Rice smells great when it is cooking. Later this week we will have some turkey and dressing of course. Mike brought one, a turkey, today. KJ does a good job fixing Turkey. I suppose the only reason to post the brand he brought is to remind us that he brought it. I figure it will be our brand by the time it is ready. Times change. Then too, lots of folks probably don't fix a turkey.
Some music seems seem so familiar. Soft piano music almost has a voice of it's own.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Could be a better "Tree" year just ahead

Thinking back to Christmas 2008.............. I figured "this Tree to the left" ought to live in infamy. It indeed takes the award for the least impressive tree ever to be in our house. Course I take the responsibility for putting it up. Last years Christmas was one that we could have gotten by without a tree, here at the ranch. Then this year one can only speculate and imagine what "this years Tree to come" will be like. Could it make a blog next year looking back again due to some great significance? Could it be an award winner? Will it take a little more floor space or height? What about all those all time great trees we have had, will it be like those? At this very moment it is in a box in the garage waiting for unveiling.
Course today is just another regular Saturday. Blue skies. Good morning walk through the neighborhood with my returned walker perhaps runner. As we speak, or more accurately, as I write, one guy is to my right, not really, reading about some politics and the other one to my left again not really but out the window on the patio sharpening the shovel. I notice that one of "the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" listed on a little note by some other quotes just to my right, really, suggests that we be
1. Proactive,
2. Begin with the end in mind,
3. Put First Things First,
4. Think Win-Win,
5. Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood,
6. Synergize, 7. "Sharpen the Saw".
So there you go. A little wisdom right in the middle of all these pictures.....................................

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This will be updated tomorrow. This is the 2 years ago version.....................

Sunday, November 08, 2009

2 years of service for Zach

This last week we went to California to bring Zach home from his Mission. We spent a few days with him and visited a lot of very nice people. Lots of pictures. I wondered what to post as a memory of the week. The older people were the most interesting. Many did not speak English so we were not able to visit but listening to Zach visit was well worth it.