Suppose being in the food business all my life I ought to have something insightful on occasion about the food we eat. Well golly I remember my 8th grade art teacher. He had a saying he hated. He really disliked folks who said they didn't know much about art but they knew what they liked. Guess he figured the poor folks just didn't know what they were missing and that as a "artist" himself it was his role in life to let them know what they might have been missing. A real "mission" I suppose. Course to let folks know what they have been missing you sort of have to know what it is that would have better not to be missed.............
"You may not know
much about what other people
really know, but then you just know
what they ought to want to know"............
So then full circle. This art teacher must have disliked himself or he wouldn't have been saying this. The real trick here is that it may be better to just learn to like oneself rather than worry about what it is that others should like. So there you go, a little gem of wisdom. And you thought I was going to blog about Cows.
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