maybe that really is me?

On more than one occasion over a lot of years, not really recently unfortunately, I have gone to the Bay area for business meetings. Those meetings often turned at days end to social events and rooms full of people. You walk around with a name tag on and mix with folks and talk. So on more than one or two occasions, years back, someone would ask me with a straight face if I played for the 49ers. Well that was interesting. A couple of times I said yes, and waited a few minutes. Then again that was a while back. No one has asked that in a long time. Then again I haven't been in the Bay Area in a long time. Maybe that is what I need to do. Then again the "sharp edges" to this story is that it really doesn't mean anything. It would indeed be more fun to be in a room full of people you know than with strangers anyway. Either way things unexpected will happen. I was reading a article about "randomness" the other day. The point was that often big events happen that just could not have been anticipated. Trying to predict what a sequence of events will lead to without knowing the unknown impact of things not expected would be hard if not impossible, according to the article. An example was the Internet. No sequence of events could have anticipated the impact of the Internet before it was here and so it would be with a lot of unexpected things. On the other hand this all assumes that our focus would be on events and even things rather than on who we are really and what we become. Unlike those that may have for a brief moment mistook who I was the question really is who do I think I am. If the sequence of events that make up our life are looked at in terms of "who are we" or what are we becoming then I would think that randomness is a non factor. Our motives and desires and what we really love most will eventually define us and no event expected or not will change that.
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