I have a collection of pictures from doing this blog for the last couple of years + so some pop up and repeat. I like to look back through them and think about the days and weeks past and then what is going on "right now". I just checked out a "favorite blog" and found 10 things that my "favorite daughter" likes to do, "right now". The world would be a better place if more of those favorites were shared around the world by more folks. Of course maybe the world really is a better place than we think. Over the years my collection of pictures and thoughts and even opinions about whether the world is getting better change a lot.............
I used to love positive thinking books. I now see how enjoyable people
are when they just are not negative.
I use to wonder how I would ever pick one favorite color. I now see how the color of the sky and the mountains and all that grows is enough.
I used to look for who was right and who was wrong when elections come. I now just hope to see who is willing to ask what is right and what is wrong.
I used to wonder why anyone would spend so much time looking for their ancestors. I now hope that those ancestors might look for me.
I used to think that accomplishment was necessary to just validate my efforts. I now hope that those I care for will in their accomplishments look for right and wrong and what is positive.
I used to hope for more blessings. I now can't count all that I have had.
I used to try to say more when more needed saying. I now hope I can say less.
I used to hope to know and learn more. I still do, but I now hope to remember what I already know.
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