"six word memoir for my life"
This idea for a post, "six word memoir for my life" came from my favorite blog and I will have to tell you she is a talented writer and her creativity is "right on". So the challenge is taken and I will indeed try to find the "six words". In some ways however I suspect that the words would vary a lot over the years for myself, unlike the "right on" ones I was so impressed with. For example I am told that a personality test I took a few years back showed me as an extrovert and then recently it showed me as an introvert? Well that can't be too accurate if I am typing this onto a blog that isn't even password protected and beyond the 3 or 4 regulars and a couple of others that do check the blog the reality is that it could be found by anyone. But, I will say I don't have much interest in anyone reading this other than the special group that does or my most regular reader............me.
"The book won't give it justice"
"Better than all the Greek Tragedies"
"Is that Rice Pudding for me?"*
"I love my sweet innocent bystander"
"She helped me get through it"
"I should have been a teacher"
I read on another favorite family blog a description of the some of my recent challenges compared to a bee sting incident where Alex declared "death I welcome thee". It indeed was a good lesson on learning and moving forward. The question of whether the "sting" of is indeed lessened by help unexpected is something that made me thing of these verses..............
I lay down the shield and quit the swordFor now thy work is done
And swiftly towards the glowing east
Ascends the rising sun
Angelic guards wait with the day
Thy crown of light to bring
O grave, where is thy victory?
O death where is thy sting?
Bravely hast thou upheld the shield,
The path of conquest trod,
And followed in the battle-field
The banner of thy God.
The hour of rest approaches nigh,
And waiting heralds sing,
O grave, where is thy victory?
O death, where is thy sting?
1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
Once upon a time in a city far away, I went to lunch one day. All the folks were caught up in their "Greekness". but those we met that day told a "happy little tail" of their "rice pudding creation" and their intent was to share it that day for lunch with all those who were Greek , or thought they should be Greek. Not being Greek or caught up in the Greekness, left me that day, invisible and without rice pudding. Sometimes one lunch reveals it all. Perhaps as I ponder putting down the "shield and sword" I can look back and know that I indeed followed the path of conquest but only left the battle field for a few lunch hours of rest. Hired Guns do rest from their missions and still eat, you see. O death, where is thy sting?
I've got one for me
"Wow that was a close one"
How about:
"I wish I'd written more down." or
"We're just hangin' by our toes!"
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