Mike moved out. The cat's gone.
Mike will at least be back for dinner today.
Empty Nesters again....................................
Bringing together meaning from the "relationships and connections" established with the people in our lives. Understanding our own identity. Seeing the impact of not just people but thoughts and books. Seeking for the intellectual insight and understanding of why our life story came to be.
The real question about blogs is "why". I suppose a good old fashioned "real question" is better than nothing cause I don't have a real answer today. I just figure one of us has to keep on swimming and the other one will write with no answers. It might be a better post if the sun was ou there somewhere.
Maybe the answer is a Norwegian Forest Cat.
I'm seeing some angst in that picture. The blank whiteness.... oh, sorry. I was projecting. Anyway, there are great answers to why! So I can peek in here and see how you're doing :)
Thinking you need a furry friend. It's been said that cats are like little old ladies dressed up in fur coats. Very classy indeed.
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