The Sandia's seems to reflect life around it and the mode of the day and each day is a different picture. Even a cloud changes the whole picture. Course it is Wednesday and I suppose that posting a picture of the mountain even though it may not really be a recent picture is probably as good as posting off the front page of the paper and trying to get in tune with the days events that way.
For example if you were to go the right side of this blog and scroll down to the "links" ...................and then if you were to click on the Washington Post you would learn, with some reading, that today "Obama's Amnesia Problem" was the news of the day. Course while I have tried to find something to blog about that might reflect the days events better. Mike is going through the books on the library shelves here in this room and asking "why do you have all of these books about Presidents?" Too many Kennedy books, he suggests. Surprised at no Reagan books, but then he assumes that I like old Ronny. He seems to be drawn into a book "Rating the Presidents". The best thing about this book might be the note on a card inside the book. the card said, "I thought you might find this book interesting to read". I continued saying, "go ahead and return it at your leisure" I may need to try to find a time when I am "at my leisure" . On the other hand this is just one book among many so I suppose I goofed on this, not returning it that is. Course Mike now seems to be off on a "which President had character and integrity review and analysis, using this book as a guide". #1 Lincoln, #2 Washington, #3 John Adams, #4 John Q Adams, #5 Carter, ect. I like Carter, sometimes, but then he just might be overrated? If we go back and let the library speak for itself then we get a more relevant overview, and for that matter it beats what I found in the Washington Post. We have Kennedy books, as said, and LBJ, FDR, Lincoln, Adams, and even one Clinton book. Truth is Nixon got pretty bad ratings in the Rating the Presidents book, but then Nixon was more interesting than most Presidents in reality. At least I can say that his books were interesting and I am sticking to it. Yep,the library right here in this room is a better look at the subject of who is who and why among Presidents, than the book that needs to be returned.
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