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Today I went through a Tortilla manufacturer today. I have been through probably a half dozen such factories. Several were pretty big. This one today was in some ways the largest? Flour Tortillas and Corn Tortillas without question out sell bread. Corn Tortillas are what is preferred by those who lived South of the border or want what is considered authentic Mexican food. I doubt that I ever saw a tortilla growing up? Things change. The picture here is more like the way restaurants make these and a lot do. They will use regular flour for the flour based tortilla but the corn ones are made with a corn flour called meseca. A favorite of mine is a white flour tortilla warmed on a grill and with butter on it. Since this seems to be the subject of the day it would be a shame if I didn't mention the breakfast burrito. A few years ago when we came to the High Desert it was surprising to find out about the "breakfast burrito". Take eggs, bacon or sausage, cheese and hash browns or potatoes and you put it in a nice tortilla and roll them up and............there you go. Mike testifies that all breakfast burritos must have eggs. Course he thinks he is a Texan so perhaps that still gives him some authority in this analysis. Course the ones I am talking about are no McSkillet Burrito ya know. So if this blog winds up talking about food does it mean I have lost it? I of course would compare writing about food to writing about some great truth or some insight into the day. If I was to try to find some insight into today I suppose I would have to get past the Tortilla Plant tour.
* Ralph Waldo Emerson urged independent thinking and stressed that not all life's answers are found in books. He also suggested that we ought to engage life "skillfully." He also that the body and mind have been cramped by noxious work or company and that nature is medicinal and restores their tone. So that seems perfectly appropriate for a Friday. The work week is over. The impact is not always positive and noxious might be a good word at times. So lets wind up this work week not with a tortilla or even raspberries, although that would be fine, but some independent thinking about what was good about today.
Thanks to the seething sea,
To the uplands of New Hampshire,
To the green-haired forest free;
Thanks to each man of courage,
To the maids of holy mind,
To the boy with his games undaunted,
Who never looks behind.
Cities of proud hotels,
Houses of rich and great,
Vice nestles in your chambers,
Beneath your roofs of slate.
It cannot conquer folly,
Time-and-space-conquering steam,
And the light-outspeeding telegraph
Bears nothing on its beam