Looking in my Journal, it was September 16th 2000. I had sent a note to Mike. My note was short. It had no subject. In fact I just offered up a definition of the word "neighborhood" since mostly I had just passed on the information "that it was then 8:50AM in the neighborhood". So we did in fact connect that day. Email found the intended. Mike replied back that day 7 plus years ago. His message that morning was to tell me "that like sands through the hourglass these are the days of our lives". That day, our day's event was just saying hello in email. I saw recently an email my brother had sent my Aunt VJ in 1999. He was telling her about his web site for bad jokes. He expounded some on computer language. I suppose that was a day in his life and in some ways we can go back if we remember these things. So the lesson of these events may be to find in the day that which makes it of value. Today things of value were being with Kathy and Zach. A 5 mile run. Moving the boxes in the Garage from one side to the other and making new room so that we could again put two cars in the garage. It did indeed seem like worthwhile work. I may want to remember the satisfaction of getting this done. Getting a call updating me on the day from Mike was something of value, toady, mid day.
I liked the movie "Somewhere in Time". The hero puts on cloths from a time long ago to help focus and concentration and to go back in time and to find someone he had seen in a picture from that time. He indeed does go back. He meets her. Loves her. Loses her. What if within our own life we could pick a day and a time and go back. What day would it be. What would the purpose be. Then on the other hand when you look at a day and find the things that were interesting, or of value, or show that good will come from the decision that you made, or you just see something positive then......................... you have stepped back in time. It is so much easier to go back in time to a positive place than a negative one. The reason is because it is easier to return to the present when you have gone back to a positive place. Today is a day that I could go back to. Good Goal for all days.
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