The "Andromeda Galaxy M31" can just, but only just, be seen with the naked eye.
Bringing together meaning from the "relationships and connections" established with the people in our lives. Understanding our own identity. Seeing the impact of not just people but thoughts and books. Seeking for the intellectual insight and understanding of why our life story came to be.
When? This could be a good question, having seen the sign, and having made note of the message? What if yesterday was not our best day and what if the days before weren't? Is best "all inclusive"? Is "it" the some total of the parts? Or does it instead reflect the experience you have had, and in a way make it impossible for your best to have every been yesterday? .................Doing ones best is by necessity something that can only happen today. ...............Interesting to think that if one was to embrace this directive that it may be at odds with the goal to "be perfect". Being ones best may, and probably always does, fall short a little of being perfect. If it draws from weaker yesterdays then the fact will be that tomorrow could then in fact be better drawing from today. Then again it is "today that we have seen the sign" on the side of the road. Today is always the only day we have to deal with.
T.S. Eliot quotes seem to be about "doing ones best"...............................
“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”
If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
You are the "music" while the music lasts
People to whom nothing has ever happened cannot understand the unimportance of events.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
What if ones ambition was to live in a black and white world? What if one wanted to see in black and white? What is it about black and white that makes a movie in black and white so different? Then to what about that poor fish? All good questions and I don't have any good answers really. I do recall black and white TV. I remember missing something about it when it was no longer the norm. Not sure what. Maybe it was that it let you focus more on the items in the picture. Or at least I remember thing that. Grey is a useful color. The people behind the baskets are living a hard life. It indeed seems like a hard life and the reality of it seems real. If the baskets were nice and bright and the hill green the reality of what the reason for the photo may not be as real. Perhaps.
Things that I would like to do that I am not going to get to do today are worth making a list of since at least then I will know what I missed.
Eat Raspberries (Fresh Ones)
Recite Dylan Thomas Poems from memory
Write something profound on my blog
Start my book
Finish A book
Take a morning walk with Kathy
Finish this blog ( I may add more to it however)
Seems odd that my "book" is blank? I seem to have it, the subject of my book, come up a lot? (notice that I am using a ? rather than a ! or a . after this last sentence) "My Book"........................... In some ways the events over the years seem to "shout out: Write it down". Today I read the first few pages of a book "about writing a book", not that I haven't done that a few times,read some book about this stuff, but this lady was well on her way to telling me the secret to getting my book done. She started out telling about her "tough day, that day", the day she wrote those pages. She said that she had taken the kids here and there and and bought groceries, stopped off to do her radio interview of authors show, (that last one was really true and probably could have more to do with her book that the simple formula by the way) and of course she had throughout the day made phone calls. The hubby was on the way home and they were off to some wonderful place for dinner and she just decided to write this all down so that the "revelation" could be made clear that indeed since she wrote down all that had happened that indeed the secret is clear as can be on how to find time to write. Apparently the secret is that you have to have a day so full of stuff to do that it would be a miracle to find 30 minutes and then when you do just force yourself to take 30 minutes and write even if it about the day then.............. Bingo, your a writer. I can clearly see where I have failed. I have had too much time on my hands...............................She did mention something about picking a subject. On the other hand her subject was "picking a subject" and so again she lost a little credibility with me. On the other hand I was reading about her subject in a bound book so looks like this lady wins round two, assuming I was keeping track. I on the other hand have not written a book about the thought patterns that go through my head about picking a subject because the "subject" that I would pick would probably lead to long term unemployment instead of "just the time being", hopefully. The "time being", is indeed an unknown to all right now but then I have not published anything that says in black and white that "working for the man" is a dead end and we ought to all be assigned jobs based on our brains and then we ought to just wear hats that have the words, "let it be", also known in some circles as "Amen" on our hats. This would simply the real issues. Folks would know that they are where they are because they were to stupid to do any better. Folks would not have to work hard and do their best or get lucky with who their relatives were because they would take a test and "bingo" they would be assigned to pounding widgets eternally.
Some would design the widgets and others would sell them for a markup and others would demand payment based on the the morally right position found in being paid for the widget pounder's work, not theirs necessarily, but in the final analysis widget pounding would have no bearing on getting one into heaven.
I think the "heaven pass" would be based on complaints. Someone up there would keep track of the complaints and both the smart and not so smart would have a pretty good chance of making it to that.................... Non Widget place in the sky.
So I can't write the book, yet. The subject would be considered a Complaint.
It is easy to feel lost and alone. Sometimes it is a surprise to find these feelings on days that should be full. I was reading a blog that mentioned thoughts about wanting to make a difference and have a voice and speak out and remembering times when that was done and frustration over not being heard and perhaps being somewhat lost to any chance of being heard. At first I thought of the story of the two wolves.
There is a story about a Navajo Grandfather who once told his grandson, "Two wolves live inside me. One is the bad wolf, full of greed and laziness, full of anger and jealousy and regret. The other is the good wolf, full of joy and compassion and willingness and a great love for the world. All the time these two wolves are fighting inside me. But Grandfather," the boy said, "Which wolf will win?" The grandfather answered, "The one I feed."
Maybe the wolves are, in part, about wanting to be "found". One may want to be found and the other may "know where he is". The question is how to feed the one that knows where he is? John Newton wrote a song that perhaps offers a solution.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed.
"Believing", feeds the good wolf
I was looking in the mirror wondering who that guy was looking back at me recently.Of course you know life is a quest of sort. We can see the quest looking back and even looking close at the days events.
On a different note, perhaps, I was thinking about the movie 'Apocalypse Now'. Then one should not consider the movie without the source for the movie's inspiration. Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness". Both present quests to find. The quest took in one case Captain Willard to Colonial Kurtz's compound and in the other Marlow to Kurtz's compound. The question becomes what was the "darkness". Was it the trip through the darkness of Africa or up the dark river? Some say it was a quest to find truth and knowledge of the soul or the meaning of life. In the end both Kurtz's die and in both cases their last words are "the horror, the horror". In both cases the Kurtz's, possible cannibals and indeed ruthless men, are implied as morally superior to other men. In both cases it may just be that the person pursuing the "Kurtz" understands that they to have the potential to become as savage as Kurtz. Both thought that it less disgusting to be something evil than to be nothing at all.
'Apocalypse Now' was not a war movie but but was instead a personal study of man. The Heart of Darkness was likewise the same. Both are left to the viewer or reader to interpret. One could ask which part they play. The part of the one who finds symphony in the flawed morality of he who he pursues. Or the one challenged and changed by his "horror". Then too perhaps all one can find in this question is to answer that he sees himself as the audience.
Troubles can take you into the heart of darkness and you can lose sight of the value of the trip but then it is a moral struggle..............................
Looking in my Journal, it was September 16th 2000. I had sent a note to Mike. My note was short. It had no subject. In fact I just offered up a definition of the word "neighborhood" since mostly I had just passed on the information "that it was then 8:50AM in the neighborhood". So we did in fact connect that day. Email found the intended. Mike replied back that day 7 plus years ago. His message that morning was to tell me "that like sands through the hourglass these are the days of our lives". That day, our day's event was just saying hello in email. I saw recently an email my brother had sent my Aunt VJ in 1999. He was telling her about his web site for bad jokes. He expounded some on computer language. I suppose that was a day in his life and in some ways we can go back if we remember these things. So the lesson of these events may be to find in the day that which makes it of value. Today things of value were being with Kathy and Zach. A 5 mile run. Moving the boxes in the Garage from one side to the other and making new room so that we could again put two cars in the garage. It did indeed seem like worthwhile work. I may want to remember the satisfaction of getting this done. Getting a call updating me on the day from Mike was something of value, toady, mid day.
I liked the movie "Somewhere in Time". The hero puts on cloths from a time long ago to help focus and concentration and to go back in time and to find someone he had seen in a picture from that time. He indeed does go back. He meets her. Loves her. Loses her. What if within our own life we could pick a day and a time and go back. What day would it be. What would the purpose be. Then on the other hand when you look at a day and find the things that were interesting, or of value, or show that good will come from the decision that you made, or you just see something positive then......................... you have stepped back in time. It is so much easier to go back in time to a positive place than a negative one. The reason is because it is easier to return to the present when you have gone back to a positive place. Today is a day that I could go back to. Good Goal for all days.
A nice place
A nice thought
The least of all motives for doing good is probably to have done it for "earthly reward". It would seem like one would be quickly paid if that were the driving motive. All would see and all would know of the good that was done. On the other hand a person who I have profound respect for told me today that what Christ would most want or expect would be for you to truly care for your fellow man. If one truly cares...........an announcement that God is on ones side is not going to be needed.
Within a half hour time period today I saw greatness and greed. One announcing that good was on his side and the other suggesting that caring was the most important thing. Yesterday I watched conference. Henry Eyring suggested making note of how God revealed his hand in your life each day. I saw his hand in one of two letters today and the comparison was amazing.
The question might be what in all the universe is the greater good? What is it that is of the most worth? Which choice is right? What should one put everything one can into accomplishing?
One good answer might just be "Whatever it is that you do, do well" but then if you did it would seem that your choices would be defined by your prior choices. This motive would create a direction.
This is conference weekend. It has been good to have both Saturday and Sunday to hear from church leaders that have offered some guidance on living ones life, “better” and on seeing what is of the most value. I was impressed with the comments of Henry Eyring who was called as the new second councilor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He attended a news conference with reporters mid day between the morning and afternoon session. One asked him to comment on the fact that he and two other general authorities recently called being from Harvard. His answer evolved into some comments about methods used to make decisions. He commented on the fact that within the church, at his level in particular, as they made decisions that all were heard from. He mentioned that what started at first as very different points of view evolved into a consensus but that even then if it was sensed that even one had not been heard from that no decision was made until all had expressed their thoughts and they had a consensus.
I guess he presented this approach in part as a contrast to what a traditional well-known business school might produce in terms of decision makers. Then too he may have suggested by telling this that conflict and dominance in "owning a decision" was not as important as whether the decision was correct or right or of the most worth.
Then today I watched a special on J. Ruben Clark mid day on the BYU channel. This man of course is a man I have had tremendous respect for. He was a brilliant man who became a very successful lawyer and played a significant role in the government in the first half of the last century. I remember his influence and his talks. He had never been a church leader until he was 61 years old when he was called into the First Presidency. When you look at his life you see that he often made his choices based on what he felt had the most worth rather than what was immediately the most worth to him.
Much to learn from men like these.
Got up and was ready to go for a walk but then my walking companion had already left on his bike? Nevertheless the day was a good one for a walk/run and I figured I just needed to go. As I began I remembered that this time of year is St George Marathon time. I completed 13 marathon's over a a lot of years and all but one was in St George. I am thankful to have been able to have done that. Today, of course, was not to be a marathon but it was 4 miles and a time to think and ponder and even a time to for a few minutes think about nothing. The air here is not cold but fall is coming. It rained last night and the wet fresh air was different. Air is something to be thankful for by the way. Being out early in the day is always something to be thankful for. Some folks, I think, find gratitude a positive or negative expression and that sort of seems odd to me. I prefer to think of gratitude as positive. Air can be exciting and refreshing and like a drink of a new day or it can be the last hope of just living through the day. I recall Buddha said about "gratitude"
Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn
a lot today, at least we learned a little,
and if we didn't learn a little,
at least we didn't get sick,
and if we got sick,
at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.
Buddha's gratitude looks back. It searches for a given or specific thing to ge grateful of and overlooks as its prime focus the events of the day (Today). If this approach is positive then it is so probably because in the final analysis it still holds to gratitude as the value sought for. Compare Buddha expression to John F. Kennedy's statement
As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.
If one is to "live" by ones words then the expression of those words would look forward in action and expression. Gratitude is more than a feeling about what has happened in the past. Feeling grateful, appreciative, or thankful is an emotion and pleasant feeling but it its incomplete when it is just expressed and not acted upon. It would seem to me that gratitude would follow a blessing that can not be fully repaid. When all you do is still not enough to really pay for what was received all that is left is “gratitude”. The air, sky, our body, our life, those that we share it with, are all gifts that can not be repaid. With all that we have to be grateful for words would never be enough. Gratitude is best expressed by how we live.