I have found a few good blogs to look at. It isn't as easy as folks make it sound. I recommended one a couple of posts ago. Still do. It is well done and funny. Called Thought and Humor. The humor sort brings me back. My Dad was a regular reader of the funny pages. He loved the good old cartoons. In his later years he watched alone in bed late night cartoons and then went to sleep. Seems like a very good choice. His values are hard to fault. His choices made a strong statement. The metaphysics of my Dad did indeed expand my nature of reality, being and the world. Then why label him with such a term? His choices are worthy of some analysis. The study of knowledge and justified belief is what metaphyics is. What you learn is that it doesn't take 19 different exits to find out where you are. And where you find yourself when you understand him is a good place.
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