Mother ships. Many things lead back to the Mother Ship. Interesting marketing principle. Being tempted to talk about marketing, I may just pause here to say something less "business", but at it's core still what I like about business. It also is what I like about the Fiery Food show.
Aesthetic value is by definition engendered by an interaction between artists, and influencing that is always an interpretation".
Each year for 3 years we have gone to the “Fiery Foods Show”. This seems to be a very successful show and has been held in Albuquerque for many years. Kathy takes her camera. I on the other hand would make Jeff proud as I took in the show yesterday. You see he does this very well and added a unique approach to this approach in a recent trip to Disneyland this year.
I stopped and visited at most of the booths and asked a lot of questions. Where the business was based. What caused them to get started and how the show performed for them? (People whom comet to this show really like it by the way. It works for them) I really like to hear the stories and especially enjoy talking to the owners. Especially to the ones who are so excited about their businesses. In spite of the fact that this is a “public blog” I am going to reveal a “secret” shared with me at this show. I realize that I might be revealing away a secret to millions, but then I, at best, average 5 or 10 hits a day here and sometimes 5 or so are from another country and the odds of many people having read what may be a dozen lines or so to find this secret at slim. The one person who might use the secret will indeed read to this point.
So the big buy from “Peppers. COM” comes up to us at the show as we stop by the booth. He saw my badge and could see that I was with a distributing company so I looked like a good customer. (We go to this show during the trade show portion and it really makes it fun since the crowds are a lot less) Changing the subject here a bit: if you read Kathy’s blog then for sure look at yesterday because her picture grouping of this show is suburb, as usual.
The big guy and I talked for a while. I complimented him on the name “Peppers.com” I suggested that the statement on the sign, “largest seller of pepper products or something like that in the world”, just may have something to do with the name “Peppers.com”. He said of course. They got the name for themselves years ago. Then he told me a secret of which I am about to disclose here. This may seem like I am just kidding about this but the truth is it is a pretty basic idea that I found pretty interesting to think about. Then again we both thought a lot about hot things for a long time yesterday because the “heat” left the show with us. Love the heat. Love the colors.
So. He told me that they had 179 different sites all tied into their base site. Segment marketing. Focus sites. Pushing specific approaches to reach specific customers would be my take on this approach. He told me of some of the sites. I don’t recall the names. Perhaps something like “Chile’s for Women who watch Desperate Women. COM”. “Hot Habaneras Sauce for Bald guys over 60.com”. Another one and the list is long, “Especially hot BBQ for Disneyland Workers and impersonators who like to eat BBQ watching the Super Bowl. COM”.
Maybe the key would not be so much the segment as in these insightful segment .com ideas. Maybe it would be in part just capturing something that leads to peppers or hot foods. A site that said, “Hot Food. COM” (this one might be their I will have to check) would expand the base.
I like the idea of the sub sites leading to the mother site. It is mom who has the kids. Us dads know this.
So the secret is there. You could expand the base of your “special product” by expanding the ways to get to the “mother site”.
Perhaps today is a flagship day for my blog. I have not mentioned books. I have not ignored the subject of business in which I have spent my entire career. It seems as though our outing to the Fiery Food show and my chat with the big guy just made it impossible to ignore a lot of what I love about business. Hate to get caught saying this but what are the real odds that this will be read.
Then again I saw artists to day and they influenced me
did I mention that the first picture is one I actually took myself. Looking east over the Sandia moutains. I knew I would need to take a special picuture since we have talented photographers here in the house so one night late I took this picture. Or, maybe I was dreaming it.
Checking in to say that I read your blog today - it was a good one.
sounds like you "worked" the show well :)
how about peppersforpeoplewhopickapeckofpeppers.com
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