Thoughts about Clowns are a long way from the subject of "Salt of the Earth".
A picture above to show that there are......"No Nice Clowns".Seems like humor is often at someones expense and so it can be with Clowns.

The blog, before this one, talked about folks who are just
"salt of the earth"
Guess we have
"salt and pepper". I don't know where the clowns fit into all of this but at times it is hard not to just feel like a clown and that is not always a nice thing.

I just finished attending a trade show and saw a lot of people that I see every 6 months and some that I haven't seen in years. I sometimes wonder how anyone who hasn't seen me in a lot of years would recognize me. Tonight my grand kids created an image of me with a tool on the TV that had some game attached to the TV. When they re created me on the screen this is what they had. Bald head, patch of hair on each side. Sort of sad, it seems to me.
I, not this weird guy in the picture, but me, myself, cut, actually almost shave, my entire head, to avoid that look.Even so they, the grandkids, I guess can easily draw me and bald the easy part. No old memories for them. Then too at the trade show a guy who hadn't seen be for at least 7 years walked up and said hi and seemed to immediately recognize me? Older, less hair, still me however. I needed to check his name tag before I even started to remember him. So the guy in the picture on the side of this blog sitting by his 55 chev seems like he has no connection to the one looking at this screen who has a round head, little hair, almost shaved really, and yet maybe he is still recognizable to some.
Literature is a good place to spend some time during your life, when things change, or for that matter all along. Things have changed of course. Reading works into this because what reading is, in some ways, is the desire to be different and the desire to be elsewhere, or maybe even looked different. It seems to be that when we read, and for that matter the more we read, the benefits are very solitary, specifically for ourself. Someone else doesn't see what you take from the experience of reading.
Even so my blog today reflects perhaps how we look as we get older as much as how we feel. I hate to even use the word older because it is a self fulling word. Apply it to yourself and "presto" your indeed older.
A man named Moliere was known for a play and this poem is one from that play. It sort of sums up the blog today..........................
Sir, these are delicate matters,; we all desireTo be told that we've the true poetic fire.But once, to one whose name I shall not mention,I said, regarding some verse of his invention,That gentleman should rigorously controlThat itch to write which often afflicts the soul;That one should curb the heady inclinationTo publicize one's little avocation'And that in showing off one's works of artOne often plays a very clownish part.