Today is “the day”. (Actually it was a couple of weeks ago) The
day that I write something for the sake of writing it. Not that I haven’t done
that a lot. I have written a lot of pages about things and just tucked them
away over the years. Some just ramblings. Others intended to be really
about “something”. Some folks who like to offer writing suggestions
say that every single day a person should just write for an hour or two
about whatever they can think of.
Last night I was reading a
book about writing that was put together by a person who felt she learned the
most herself during the years she was teaching folks to write. She seemed to
treasure the idea that everyone had something to say. She claimed that
almost every person reveals themselves even in just trying to write one
sentence? Really, do you think that is true? I wonder? Then on the other
hand she in saying this is really making a point I have thought a lot about
myself and that is that everyone has an interesting story. A “life story”
most likely. In fact I have never heard someone tell their life story and
not found it really interesting. So maybe that is it. It isn’t the
ability to write that is the big deal, it is the story. This is good news
because it takes the pressure on technique to a degree.
I liked another part of the
message this writing teacher brought out in the book. She said you ought to get
out each day and walk or maybe run. She did suggest walking slow so maybe
running isn’t the best.
Walk slow she said. Think a lot while you’re walking. Let your mind just go where it wants. The idea being that creativity slips in during this type of time spent.
Walk slow she said. Think a lot while you’re walking. Let your mind just go where it wants. The idea being that creativity slips in during this type of time spent.
It occurs to me that this writing I am doing today could be a post on a daily blog. I recall I have a daily blog .............................. but
haven’t used it for a couple of years?
Kathy used to post a lot on her daily blog. I liked her posts a lot. That follows because I like her a lot, of course. She does a nice job of those type of things. I remember a few years ago some person living in the Northeast, in a big city, would post on a blog a lot and add pictures of the buildings in his town. Loved that blog. That person just stopped blogging. Miss him. It was a “him” I am pretty sure.
Kathy used to post a lot on her daily blog. I liked her posts a lot. That follows because I like her a lot, of course. She does a nice job of those type of things. I remember a few years ago some person living in the Northeast, in a big city, would post on a blog a lot and add pictures of the buildings in his town. Loved that blog. That person just stopped blogging. Miss him. It was a “him” I am pretty sure.
Maybe I will give some
thought to a new blog format. Maybe one that has several sections. A section to
talk about books maybe with links to where to buy them. Of course if I get a
book written of my own it could go there.
I did really like the idea
that creativity could be tied to walking. The author suggested 65,000
steps a week should be a goal, but that was the high end of that
suggestion. This probably means that Fiona is a very good writer
with all her “invested time“ in walking or creativity. The author did say to take it
slow and enjoy it.
Maybe a book on retiring will
work for me. I think I am "more than ready" for it. Here is what I like a
lot about what I hope will fit well with retiring. I can walk a lot. I can
hit the goals suggested. I tried today actually. I just went out and walked for
3500 steps mid morning. I walked slow. The sun was hot but it felt really good
on my skin. This must mean I am a good writer by the way because the
author I have mentioned got really excited when one of her students
explained in one of her assignments how she felt about the sun on her
skin. So there you go. I felt really good this morning out walking. The
sun on my skin. Me walking slowly and just feeling good. Sort of a slow runners high...........................................................
So that is my blog today, or a couple of weeks ago. Whatever.