Put another way..........................
A man is but the product of his thoughts.
What he thinks, he becomes
and more about............Thoughts about Thoughts..........................
"It is throwing our life away, to think of the wrong things",
is council from a good book. Another way of putting it is that
"there are "no innocent idle thoughts".
Add to this council the fact that we can only think of one thing
at a time and the reality that except for the time when we are
sleeping we really have no choice but to "keep thinking"
Nibley in contemplating these things concluded
that having to think and then having to chose
our thoughts may be the essence of our mortal existence
So then
"If every choice I make expresses a preference;
if the world I build up is the world I really love and want,
then with every choice I am judging myself,
proclaiming all the day long to God, angels and my
proclaiming all the day long to God, angels and my
fellowmen where my real values lie, where my treasure is,
the things to which I give supreme importance.
Hence in this life every moment provides a perfect
and foolproof test of our real character,
making this life a time of testing and probation. "