Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Chirstmas Posts
All of these pictures are Christmas theme pictures except maybe the one of the food room just off the kitchen. On the other hand KJ and ZJ spent 10 hours Wednesday working on re organizing it and getting it in shape for the Holidays. Today is the Christmas Eve and all through the house were all stirring and hopefully there is no mouse. The cat does seem sort of up to it all and hangs around the tree and the gifts a lot. Also good news is that we have blue skies again. We had a few days without them and it was not a good thing.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Be Thankful
Sunday, December 11, 2011
trains planes and auto's vs's calendars and motives

Thursday, December 08, 2011
city of contrasts and trip that has its contrasts

Saturday, December 03, 2011
I strolled around the grounds and didn't feel at home

Friday, November 25, 2011
Something meaningful and something less meaningful
I put this picture in my wallet sometime in the 1960"s. I carried the wallet for a few years but the part that has the pictures in it has survived. The picture is of my Dad. I don't know how old he was in the picture but he probably was somewhere between 28 and 32 would be my guess. I will send this to VJ and see if she remembers? Zack is going to try to patch up the pictures lines, folds and tears with photo shop so if anyone wants a copy of that when it is done you will need to send me an email and then I will send it.
I don't know if posting an old picture of my Dad is what might be expected for the day after Thanksgiving or for that matter the day before my Sisters birthday but then that is what I have done. I thought a little about what to post and was reminded of our project last Monday night and again yesterday of listing something we were thankful for for each letter of the alphabet. I actually made a list today of the people in my life that I am thankful for and it was a pretty long list. The real challenge would be to drop them all a note and tell them that. Then of course it would be better to call them or go see them but even sending a personalized note would be a big step. I say a big step because even emails are a little uncommon anymore. Most of the folks younger than me are on facebook. I have a facebook account and likewise a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn claims to be a "professional network", the worlds largest with 100 million members. Just a small group when you think of facebook which claims to have over 800 million members. Since I admitted being on both of these sites with my own page I also will admit that I don't log on and look very often. Maybe once every 90 days. I do get notifications all the time but seldom get one that indicates anyone really tried to say something directly to me. Good thing probably since why would I want to talk to someone in front of every one on their list and mine? I guess I could post a note saying "got up this morning and when the sun beamed down upon me and I felt good and then I had........................
Thursday, November 24, 2011
T Day and little girls

Saturday, November 19, 2011
2 turkeys crossed the road, to get to the other side or to help out with dinner I suppose

Looking forward to two days off and to a nice dinner. Today is a good day. Most days are good days. The weather is good, that helps. I have a spot picked out for the treadmill. That is good. A short nap is coming up soon and that is good. Speaking of good I was just reading a little quote to my left as I type and it says.........................
"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"
I like this quote. It goes to faith. Folks with faith have a lot of reasons to be happy. It might also go to stress management. Putting things in the Lord's hands can be less stressful.........if you have some faith.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
New Flash 20 mark up ahead or maybe we just passed it

Friday, November 04, 2011
A Bridge to the Past

Way back then, in the 50's, I lived in that house in the picture on the last blog below, but then I told that story in part with that picture. In front of the house to the right of where I was standing is a bridge. Today the bridge actually is one of the only things that has not changed much. When you crossbridge to the East you will still see the "Substation". Growing up across the river from a Substation where my Dad worked was interesting. Just being across the river from where he worked itself was a treat. I always wondered what the purpose of this plant was for Idaho Power. He told me often, explaining that Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse. Electric power flows through several substations between the generating plant, which was near the Dam in American Falls, and could make for another blog entry, and to the consumer. Voltage changes in several steps along the way. The Substation increases it or decreases it. The mystery is still not complete because that was before the days when power was part of a grid.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
going back

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
More on the Balloon Festival
Sunday, October 09, 2011
3 things to post about
Since my last post a number of noteworthy events have happened. Yesterday for example was the 2011 Balloon Festival outing for our family. Kathy and I went to the event leaving the house at 5AM. We met Zach and his friend at the event. Mike chose to sleep in. The event was smaller this day do to weather issues that delayed the take off and reduced the number of balloons that went up. Still a great event.
Alex's Birthday also was yesterday and we enjoyed reaching him by cell phone on his vacation. Alex is a fine young man. It has been a joy to have been part of his last 18 years.
Riley also had a birthday several weeks back and since it has been sometime since I have posted I missed posting about that. A great young lady.
So there you go.............................. an update of important events.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Probably a completly wrong picture to post

Well last Friday was our 45th anniversary. We went to Taos. Kathy took a lot of pictures and if you know how to get on Kathy's blog you will have a real treat because as usual she took some good pictures and presented our experience in a great way. You would also find this picture there too so the question of why is it here on my blog too may need some explanation? Actually I borrowed the picture from her and the only possible reason that I might have for thinking I could borrow it was that taking the picture was something I suggested to her. She had already done so but that does not mean that I should not get some credit for suggesting it. We had a nice time and found Taos to be a neat place. Last night we watched Jackie Kennedy talk about her life for two hours. What a treat that was. It took us back the 45 years and it was so interesting to re live some of the events that she talked about.
She really had an impact on the last century................................
She had some interesting quotes attributed to her:
I want to live my life, not record it.............. Jackie Kennedy
Even though people may be well known, they hold in their hearts the emotions of a simple person for the moments that are the most important of those we know on earth: birth, marriage and death. ......................................................Jackie Kennedy
Saturday, August 27, 2011

This is a picture I really like. It is called the Embarkation of the Saints at Liverpool in 1851. One reason I like it is that it reminds me of my Great Grandfather who left Liverpool on a ship like this named the "Buena Vista". Their ship left the Waterloo Dock in Liverpool on Monday the 26th of February 1849 at about 2:00PM with 249 Saints on board.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Saturday's blog
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Monday, August 08, 2011
Today's reflection
About 6:15 AM. Walking East from our house. It occurs to me that it is indeed a "new" day. Each moment is for that matter "new". The light coming over the mountain will be gone, or at least different, in a few minutes but the good news is I have captured this moment here. One thought I have considered now, and for a couple of days ended saying "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid". The same thought suggests that our lives will reflect our faith.
A good thought for a new day and new week ahead.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
"Off the Wall" today....................
Friday, July 15, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
what on your mind probably shows.............or
and more about............Thoughts about Thoughts..........................
"It is throwing our life away, to think of the wrong things",
proclaiming all the day long to God, angels and my