This cat gets a lot of press here in our house. On the other hand the picture of Molinelli Jewelry Store takes me back to the 1950's. I often went down the street to the Chief Theater to see the show on Saturdays and walked home past this store. I a lot of times went alone and I developed a habit of going into the store for Birthdays and Christmas to get my mom a gift. I thought I did a pretty good job of picking out something and was always told I had great taste. I remember a green pin and ear rings and a red one. I wonder how good my taste really was? I know what I picked out was always appreciated and I was made to feel like I had done a good job. Good lesson in a lot of ways I suppose. Don't know why I really decided to blog about this but it is a real memory of some importance to me.
Monday, September 27, 2010
"the" jewerly store
This cat gets a lot of press here in our house. On the other hand the picture of Molinelli Jewelry Store takes me back to the 1950's. I often went down the street to the Chief Theater to see the show on Saturdays and walked home past this store. I a lot of times went alone and I developed a habit of going into the store for Birthdays and Christmas to get my mom a gift. I thought I did a pretty good job of picking out something and was always told I had great taste. I remember a green pin and ear rings and a red one. I wonder how good my taste really was? I know what I picked out was always appreciated and I was made to feel like I had done a good job. Good lesson in a lot of ways I suppose. Don't know why I really decided to blog about this but it is a real memory of some importance to me.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Rhetorical and Elocutionary Embellishments
I was wondering what might be something unique or original to post. This picture is an assortment of original "things".
The books on their side under the car came out of a one room school house that was next to my grandfather's home in a place called "Cherry Creek" Idaho. The copyright shows the first printing in 1914 and the last one 1937. I took a number of books out of this school in the 1950's when it was just sitting unused and open to the elements. These are 3 volumes of a series called "The New Wonder World". It reminded me of "World Books" or an old "Britancia" talking about a lot of subjects. The book to the left of these volumes is called "Preaching and Public Speaking" and it was written in 1898. On the title page it says that it is "A Manual for the Use of Preachers of the Gospel, and Public Speakers in General" Some of the chapters titles are: The Art of Thinking, characteristics of the Sermon, Kinds of Sermons, Methods of Communicating Thought, Analysis of the Sermon, and then "Rhetorical and Elocutionary Embellishments" Pretty good stuff and actually it is a book worth reading. This book was a gift from Joseph A. Jones to Merlin as written in his handwriting in 1952. I think from a note on the inside cover that it was purchased by my Grandfather for $2.00 in 1903. The favorite part of this book may still be ahead of me. I noticed that the last thing in the book is listed on page 435 and is "A sermon by President Wilford Woodruff" I have read several books on his life recently an really found him to be a most fascinating individual. I had forgotten this chapter in a book I have had on my self a long time. I am very anxious to read it so I think I will later today....................
The model of the old Ford is "cool". Wish I had had one.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Becuase we can.................
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
HB Riley
Saturday, September 18, 2010
"Our personal parade"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tonight I went out for a walk. I guess I could call part of it a light run. My last post showed a "shadow of myself" so I suppose this one only invites thoughts of what a "shadow of myself" might be? A full head of hair could cast a shadow? Strong legs in motion. Maybe one could see wind against the face in a shadow. Maybe the shadow is running but really is lost in thought about dancing. Dancing with a friend. Moving graceful. All reflected in a memory.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Today's walk with my friend of 44 years + was enjoyable. The air was a little cooler to start. Lots of pictures were taken. I like the idea of layers in this picture. My shadow, her, her camera, and the object of one of the pictures.
This week went by fast. Thursday was our anniversary and we went to a shop in the morning to exchange what I had picked out the day before. It was nice to get out mid week and not be working.