notes from a scrapbook
1."the funniest thing I can remember about my Dad" ...................The funniest thing I can remember about my dad was when we were moving in and the piano dropped off the elevator thing (lift on the rental truck actually) while my dad wasn't watching and it chipped of part of the TV. ( course it did as it landed on the corner of the TV). My dad didn't think it was funny. (Times change)
2. "A Lady Lawyer From Laramie Wins Global Fame by writing letter mocking legal pretnetiousness" notes on this one, nothing but the article, course no notes are needed to just remember the laughing non stop of KJ when she tried to re tell this title a few times.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
a day in the neighborhood
Friday night we watched a movie on TV. It was a N flick called Rebbecca and was an "old" movie. Saturday AM is a combination of stuff. Catching up on mail, short walk, pick up MJ at the auto dealer but then not needing to, getting a key made, catching up on a weekly blog for the 2 or 3 folks who read this and wondering about lunch. Course the grandcat came over for a visit. Not a bad day really.......................
Saturday, May 22, 2010
No Camera for this post, probably.................
Every once in a while you google something and someones personal blog comes up? I wonder how often that happens? I remember checking for someone by name and having things they wrote and talks they gave come up. I have a FcBk account but I haven't opened it in a month or so but I suspect that you might see the day when things put on there can be pulled off with search tools, if it isn't already the case. I suppose the point of these observations is whether or not having any privacy is really important. I remember reading George Orwell's 1984 and thinking it was an odd prediction to have camera in all parts of ones lives. Today it is sort of common place in most cities that cameras are everywhere. What difference does it make? Who would be interested in things that happen that are just routine anyway? This blog might get read by 3 or 4 people tops and if anyone happens in this paragraph at the top of the blog won't grab much interest. I remember thinking over the years that maybe one ought to be quoted or have events recorded. I have mostly changed and wonder if anything of any real importance would be worth posting. Things of real importance may be a matter of viewpoint. I read a book earlier this year about David O Mckay. It was as important for me. Took a walk this morning with my friend. It was important. Probably could have posted a better blog to those subjects.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
good times

On the other hand................................. you can read the Washington Post or the NY Times by going to the left (accurate in a lot of ways I suppose) scrolling down and clicking on the link. Speaking of links you can go to other sites from the same list of links or to Amazon. I have a regular reader who does go there often and buys some stuff and I have used a number of credits. It is appreciated of course. Then of course I have some reviews there. I suppose the reviews don't get read much more than this blog but it is a way to keep track of things.
More about the NY paper later......................This is an older picture of "us". Today we were not even on this "little trail" this morning but we went out and had a nice walk. Blue skies, of course. Got home and decided to go to the grocery store. Figured I pick up a newspaper. ABQ paper probably isn't enough for MJ so I pick up the NY paper for him.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
2nd post today
up in smoke, thoughts about folks, and who are those two

This picture of the family is a good mothers day thought and of course KJ's get's top billing. On the other hand I notice that I am a heavier guy in this picture, but then that has changed some.
Spent a night in the mountains at a Fathers and Sons outing. Slept on the ground. Hadn't done that in a few years. Wore my straw hat. Figured I would post the "hat" picture since the hat gave up the smoke at this event. Got sort of trashed and nothing left to do but let it visit the campfire.

Looking at this guy "in the eye" makes me wonder if I am really looking at me. I do remember my Mom when she looked like this picture. Faces change but in some ways we are really the same. The real challenge in this picture would be to try to recall or understand what were the thoughts of that day?

For no particular reason, if that is possible, I liked looking at this car today. It is a little like the one I had when "we" got married. Ours was a four door and the paint was a little faded but it still was a good year for some of the good Chevy years. I think that the best years were 57, 55, and 58. Not that it matters much but I was looking at a picture on the wall of a local "Diner" yesterday that had a lot of cars out front one day and took a picture of them. Guess that made me think of my old 58, and of course my old 55.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010
The week happened and we have "hope"
Not sure who that guy is but then it is never easy to find a picture that works. We have a picture frame that changes and we have it full of pictures and I suppose you can find this guy with 20 more lbs on if you watch it long enough. I think you can even find him with hair on his head. This one is probably best titled "hope". Hope for a better day, Hope for hair again in the next life. Hope for some shoes and time to go out for a run. Hope for Sunshine all day, course that looks like it will happen.
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