Have not blogged in a bunch of days. Not sure why. I suppose one wonders what to say at times. I was thinking about the metal cactus that is about 2 1/2 miles down the road to the North. It catches my attention when I go on longer runs (4 miles) but then I have not done that in a couple of months. I have been going out for a one mile walk the last couple of weeks and the last few days I have been sort of jogging or running slow. It has been good. I also have found that a mile a day is so much easier in a lot of ways. It probably is better than one or two "only" longer runs a week.
Thinking back about January. A nice B Day dinner out with the Fam. Love Lobster. I have read a few books since Mid December. Michael Crichton, Pirate Latitudes, James Bradley, the Imperial Cruise, Edward Kennedy. True Compass, and then I re read Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Love to read when I find things that hold my attention. Probably the best of these was the Kennedy book because it was about so much of my own life's history. The Pirate book was a trip to another place and it was nice to get away. Heart of Darkness is symbolic of anything one would want it to be. I guess the question is not so much what I have read but why did I read it. The good news is that I know the answers to that question.
What would I do if I could and that I don't do cause I think I can't. Good question. I suppose it really doesn't matter if I pick a few things since I have ruled out doing them but then I would love to "dance well". I would love to be able to paint a picture. I would like to paint a yellow flower. A sunflower. That is what I would like to paint. It would be tall. It would have a thick stalk holding it high and it would be full. A black center. Large yellow petals would surround the black and the weight of the head would cause it to hang down. Other shoots with smaller flowers would surround it. Blue sky. Sand. Rocks. It would be a surprise in it's environment. The yellow would be as bold as the blue in the sky. I can see it. I on the other hand can't paint it, I suppose.
Re reading a book can be just as good as reading one for the first time. Maybe better. On the other hand I am not sure I can get lost in a book after the first time.
A friend called the other day. It was a good thing and if I were writing down each day the good things that happen I would have put his call down. I know that I have been tempted to write down everything I eat each day. Wonder which would have the greater impact on my life. Writing down what I eat or what good things happen? I suppose both have big implications on what direction I am going. Course just trying to find the good things that happen by making the effort to find them point me in a direction. Good things happen often. Sometimes you see the hand of a very good influence in what happens. Sometimes you see it as it happens. Listening to what happens rather than looking back at what happened is a interesting goal. Anyway the friend called. He mentioned that he felt that I was a strong active person in his view and that he had always seem me as being young. I wonder if I need to be young to not be old. I wonder if being young might be in some ways just as much of a drag is it is to be old. I wonder if having typed this much today if the value of this days post is much more than what a lot of the posts have been? Not sure.....................I would like to paint a lot of things..