Saturday, May 30, 2009

Obsessing, hope I spelled that right, about the choice.

Book: Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie
The life, mind, and science of Marie Curie, May 30, 2009

The title "Obsessive Genius" refers to many different sides of Marie Curie's life. Some may have considered her story to be somewhat of a feminist message but the title describes the "person", not just the woman behind the research and the life that went with it. Marva Salomee Sklodowska, Marie Curie, was born in Poland. She went to Paris and got her degrees at the Sorbonne and then spent most of her life in France. Her singular passion was for her work but that changed when she met Pierre Curie. Her obsessive passion for work, studies, research, and her husband, were complex and present a very interesting woman. Their first Nobel Prize in 1903 was a mutual effort but her second came later in her life and was clearly something that she could not be denied. Like the book Einstein, by Walter Isaacson, this book lets you see a life through the lens of a particular science. In both cases you learn about both the person and the science. This type of biography lets you see the historical events you thought you knew all about very differently through the lens of a particular person and the science that fills their life. The book is well done and well worth reading.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stimulating Creativity or finding what is inside

It is a little puzzling as I consider adding to this blog. Yesterday I was looking through some books and opened up a book titled "Red Earth - Poems of New Mexico". I reached for the book to see if I could find something by Tony Hillerman ,a poet who lived in New Mexico and died not too long ago. He probably is someone who is worth reading more of. At first I wasn't sure why I reached for this particular book and it sort of reinforced a concern I have had about trying to remember all that I have read. So I gave up but today I tried again and right on page one I found what was lost yesterday in the memory.


Tony Hillerman wrote, and it was quoted on page one in this book of poetry, that
"Pretentious as it sounds, and tough as
it is to prove, there does seem to be
something about New Mexico which not only attracts
creative people but stimulates their creativity"


One way to look at our experiences are to ask "what have they made of us" ? How has experience formed the present condition. Every experience has the potential of forming us. So I guess the question is what is the impact of the experience. A sculptor takes a block of granite and finds the intended entity inside, revealing it with each hit of the chisel. Maybe our own experiences as we go through life are much the same for us.
Then the question of what has New Mexico done for me and has it refined the end result? .................................I suspect that it has.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Somewhere near by.........................

I don't recall exactly when and where I took this picture so that fits pretty well with not knowing why it fits on today's blog. I probably out to put a picture of a new Chevy Silverado Truck on here since Mike is probably the proud owner of one by now. Nevertheless another day another blog. Tomorrow I have to give a talk in Church. Today I still am wondering about Kidney Stones and probably will learn more than I want to, soon.
Muhammad Ali / Favorite Quote
Only a man who knows what it is like
to be defeated can reach down to the bottom
of his soul and come up with the extra ounce
of power it takes to win when the match is even.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cat on a Desk

This cat is not too far away when I am on this computor. This time she was here when the camera was in reach. So this is my Monday blog. Cat on a Desk.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Clouds, mountains and today

Took the camera on the run today. Clouds just sat on the mountain tops. Blue sky, of course. Maybe in a few weeks I will get to run Millcreek.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


That's Mom on the "left". Course the Mom that I lifted the picture of the lilacs from is in the middle. Scrapbooklady's "blog" is tempting sometimes. I always liked Lilacs. No I love them actually and they might be my favorite flower. We had a lot of bushes around our house on Wyeth Street and a lot around my Dad's work across the river.
(the guy on the far right is really on the "far left" if your looking back from his eyes.................................)
did I mention that these are great folks.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

A trail runs through it.

The Portneuf River went by our house. It was a long time ago. The river is not the same anymore and I can say that with some conviction even though I have not seen it for probably 10 years or so. I was indeed much like this picture once, and the few times I went on a raft or fished in it or just walked along side it are times I recall pretty well. About 48 years ago I met my best friend for the first time in a high school not too far away. Most everything else has changed it seems. I look at her blog and it seems to deal with each days events in the most interesting way. My attempts at blogs usually fails, as this one has already, to look very closely at the "day". I prefer to look back or maybe within or to try to figure out what I have learned. I suppose one advantage of that approach is that the picture of the "river" can be used over a few times because it fits into very different thought patterns at different times. Unlike the "river" the "trail" in Millcreek is one that I ran many many times over a lot of years. I think of those times often. That trail is not as different as the one I will start out on in a few minutes in some ways. You will have to look up to find a most unique "blue sky". Likewise you will have to look up to see some interesting mountains. Different but the same. Coming home from the run I will find the friend of many years. Three trails and paths to write about, I suppose.