The right foot needs to be in this boot another 4 weeks. This last week has of course not been great, "foot wise". This blog probably may have lost whatever it had, but then since I might print it all up one day soon I might as well keep putting some thoughts down for a while. The blog was originally named "Random Specific Thoughts". I guess the idea is that a specific thought may have a lot of thoughts to go with it and then those thoughts connected from day to day may appear "random". The thoughts about canes, and feet and being less mobile are pretty specific. Then again compared to what else I have posted they may be somewhat random. Well into the 2nd season of "Lost". DVD's are great. 3rd rock got us hooked. So did that other great series that I can't remember the name of right now.
Let it be that you own the cane and that it doesn't own you.........I do own the cane, hypothetically, and the hat too.
The cane was once owned by my Dad. Figured I'd post his hat too since I was bringing up his cane, actually "my cane"?....................................... Yesterday was his birthday. I suppose I will mention that as another significant event. Dad's birthday, if he were with us. Stock Market's worst performance in my lifetime. (Dad would not have lost much, if anything, a valuable lesson from him). New crooks on every newscast. Taking note of the news and trying to stay positive I might mention some positive input from news watcher Mike. Course you have to be in the business of selling ground beef to be able to fully understand the significance of this comment.
"Good to know people are still eating Ground Beef and not all waiting
in line for Bread Rations and Roasting the Family Dog for Warmth yet."
Lot's of help with my foot. Sister called. Probably miss Church this weekend keeping foot up. Suppose it is ok to say that, the church thing not the dog thing, on a blog? A good weekend to just keep it elevated. Great cookie I just finished. Think I grab another, or two.............................(might blog tomorrow, might not)